Chapter Two: And Relax...


Zoe awoke with a start, her body jerking with the sudden awareness of consciousness.

She way laying down, or at least, she thought she was...
A groan escaped her lips and she shifted around on the surface, her mind clearing slowly.

She inhaled and sighed.. Then paused.

What was that SMELL?....

She tried to open her eyes, and was surprised to find that she couldn't. Zoe's mind began to race and her pulse quickened. She went to reach up to see what was blocking her eyes. Lifting her arm swiftly she gave out a little yell of surprise and frustration as her arm would only move so far before it stopped abruptly.

This situation was getting all too familler...

That smell, what was it?...

He breathing increased as she tugged at her restraints, inhaling the musky odor of old leather and sweat...

"ok... I'm tied down.. but why?... What did I do this time?..." she though to herself as her mind tryed in decipher what the other smells were as well as why the Doctor would have her tied down. She had been behaving as of late, not having attacked any of the institute workers in over a week now..

Enraged by her situation she thrashed around, yelling and swearing at the top of her lungs, threatening anyone and everyone, hoping to attract some attention and to possibly get an answer.

She tugged at her ankle and wrist restraints, rolling side to side feeling the think heavy lather chafe her skin through her robe. Which struck her as odd, as the leather was usually rough but it was firm and didn't give like these ones did.

She grinned to herself and then began to prop up her elbow, pulling the restraint around her wrist tighter but the leather was giving, slowly but surely.. She wished her eyes went strapped closed in the muzzle so she could see if there was any particular part of the strap giving more than others. She jerked her arm a few times with no avail, on her third pull there was a dull snap and her arm flew free, nearly punching herself in the face. She reached up instinctively knowing where the buckles were and undid the buckle strapping her head to the bed. sitting up she reached over and undid her other hand before reaching up to undo the muzzle.

Her fingers played over the muzzle trying to find the buckles, her mind racing to get this off her face as soon as possible. She felt behind her neck and found what she was looking for. Her slender fingers undid the buckles in record time as she threwthe thing off her face and onto the bed between her legs. She reached up to rub her eyes then stopped... She traced her fingertips along her eyelashes in horror. her eyes were crusted shut and tight. Trying not to panic she tried picking at the edges flaking off some of the caked crust, but it was sticking to her lashes and pulling them out. After careful consideration, she decided it was best to spit in her hand as opposed to sticking her fingers in her mouth.

She rubbed the saliva on her fingers and began massaging the crust with it, feeling it loosen and begin to fall away. She began to see little rays of light as her eyelids became unstuck.

"yech... this is SO gross.. what the hell did they bond my eyes with.. is that what smells? ughhhh... it's getting stronger..." She thought to herself as she lifted her head and opened her eyes slowly.

Everything was a haze and even the dim light of the room hurt her eyes, she shut her eyes tightly for a moment before opening them again slowly. The only light seamed to be from above, she squinted looking up, then lowered her head swiftly, shaking the cobwebs out of her mind.

Hey eyes fell upon her hand, it looked different.. what was wrong with it... something... strange... the color?.. what was that on her finger tips?

She sat up from her slouched position on the bed and held her hands in front of her. Her eyes went in and out of focus as she looked at her hands. Slowly it sunk in as to what it was. Blood... If was under her fingernails, caked between her fingers and smeared onto her skin, leaving coppery red and brown smears on her hands and arms. She stared at her bloody appendages in horror wondering what happened, when something else caught her eye...

Slowly her focus shifted from her hands to what lay on the bed between her knees. Her eyes widened in horror as she put some of the pieces together.

The muzzle.

She reached out and picked it up, her fingers trembling as her sense of touch confirmed her fears. The muzzle which was comprised of straps of leather usual was made of flesh. She screamed and whipped it into the darkness. The image burned into her mind now. She froze as her hand touched the bed.

"No..." She moaned looking down hesitantly. Something inside her snapped as she jerked her hand off the blood stained bed.

Why was the Doctor doing this to her? What did she do to deserve THIS?! And where WAS everyone?

Zoe started screaming as she struggled against herself to undo her ankle restraints. With a final shudder of her body she was free and off the bed.

The dirty tile below her bare feet was oddly warm and gritty. She looked around trying to make out where she was. It was a fairly large room, with dark corners and looming shadows and a high ceiling.

There was the bed with the light above it. The only source of light. Off to the left was a inlayed locker which blended with the wall almost to the point where she didn't notice it. Her eyes focused more with her back to the light. There was a chair near the foot of her bed. And a trail of bloody foot prints leading around the chair, tot he side of her bed, then off towards the wall where they disappeared, as if whoever left them walked right through the wall.

She walked over slowly, the foot prints roughly the same size as her feet. She stopped inches away from the wall staring at it. She lifted her hand and touched it. It was warm and moist. She pushed it a little, and ran her fingers along the wall, then backed up and kicks at it. Frowning and confused she wondered over to the locker and stared at it.

It was set into the wall, about 6 feet by 4 feet. She looked at the pad lock that was keeping it shut. Something about it was familler... She reached out and her fingers automatically began to spin the dial...

15....03....06..... *CLICK*

She blinked surprised. That was her locker combo from highschool...

"What are the odds..." She muttered as she took the lock off and slowly opened the door.

It was dark inside and she couldn't see much at all. The locker seamed deep and it was much colder than the room she was in. Something brushed her face and she ducked reaching up to bat it away only to hear a jingle of metal. She wrapped her fingers around it and pulled, turning a small light on.

She looked around, the inside was about 20 feet into the wall. There were some items that looked like they had been tossed carelessly to the back of the locker, she walked slowly towards it, then knelt. She lifted a dirty lab coat off the pile and was amazed at what she saw.

it was her back pack and clothing.... Zoe froze as it all came back to her...

She had already escaped from the Mental Institute... She stole these clothes and items from a girl she met soon after, then stole a car from a priest who was gassing up at a gas station....

She stripped off her bloody robe and got dressed back in her clothes. After tying her boots, she stood up, slinging the pack over her shoulder and lighting a smoke.

She glanced around for anything else, when something caught her eye. Near the door was a set of old looking keys on a big ring hanging on a hook. She hadn't even noticed them on the way in. Walking out of the locker she grabbed them and hooked them on a belt loop.

"Now to find a way out of here.." Zoe thought as she looked around and headed towards the far wall. There was something new there.. Either that or she didn't notice it before.. Walking closer she saw that it was a smeared bloody hand print. She leaned in looking closer and saw what looked to be an eye looking back at her. She blinked... So did it...

'A mirror?' She thought. Something on the persons ring finger had scratched away the filth and paint and revealed a bit of a mirror... but what was it doing there?.... Zoe reached out and gave it a little tap... it wobbled!

Zoe grinned and fully put on her pack holding the smoke between her lips.

"If it wobbles its lose if it's lose.... it might not be backed....." She walked over cockily towards the chair and dragged it towards the mirror her smile never fading...

She lifted the chair on an angle then swung letting the chair go as it extended past her reach. The mirror shattered instantly upon impact and Zoe removed the smoke from her lips flicking the ashes to the floor and exhaling a breath of smoke.

She walked over the broken glass crunching under her boots. She wrapped her hand in her leather sleeve and began to clear a spot for her to climb through. Careful not to cut herself, Zoe climbed into the secret room and looked around.

There were a few dusty monitors and a bunch of switches and dials, along with a few cameras positioned to film inside the room. other than a few chairs and the door off to the left there really wasn't much else...

Zoe leaned down and picked up a piece of paper, it looked like a title page of report. Her eyes widened as she read the space words typed on the page next to bloody finger prints...

Case ID: 14669-4A
Subject Name: Zoe

She shuffled around in the glass for more pages but found none.. Freaked out, Zoe stuffed the paper into her pocket and lit a new smoke with the smoldering remains of the last.

"This is so fuc..." Zoe said to herself opening the door slowly her hand ready to grab the shotgun lodged in her back pack.

She looked out into the dim grimy hall way and froze... foot steps... Was that foot steps!?....

Zoe lowered herself into a squat and tried to slow her breath down. She reached and grabbed her gun and waited...

The foot steps were getting closer......


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